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Guest Post by Cori

My old faithful Honda Civic has finally reached the end of its life. For a while there, I actually thought that it might even outlive me! But, alas, it seems that it has driven its last mile. I have started to look for a car to replace it, but it occurred to me that my priorities might have shifted without even realizing it. I loved my last car because it was a cute little white, two door, girl-y, fast and reliable little diddy. My most immediate goals in the next few years is to start having babies, which I know will change a number of things in my life. Now when I start my car search I am concerned about 3 major factors: space, safety, and money. Being around for the raising of my nieces and nephews I am quite aware of how much one needs to bring when traveling with children, having a car that can fit adult bodies, car seats, diaper bags, strollers, toys and books, pack and plays, etc. etc. etc. is 100% essential.  Obviously safety should be a factor when considering buying any car, but it becomes a front and center issue when you start to think about the safety of a child, your own child to be exact.  Now I know that I haven't actually had a baby yet, but that doesn't mean that I don't have some inkling as to what those protective instincts are.  Money is always an issue, but babies are downright expensive, so as much as money concerns me now, I know it will be of even greater concern once I am with a child.  Money comes down to two important facets, there is the money you spend upfront for the car (i.e. finding trusted dealers so that you are sure you are getting the best possible price) and the money that it will cost to own and take care of the care once its purchased.  This can be anywhere from gas mileage to whether the parts run at a higher cost.  I want to do this right the first time, because the last thing I want to worry about once I am finally pregnant, is shopping for a suitable car. I have been exploring in hopes of finding the car that meets all of these specifications.  This shouldn't be that hard considering between all of their dealerships they have an inventory of over 20,000 cars! It kind of makes my brain hurt just thinking about it, but so far I have found a handful that I am looking forward to getting to test drive. Wish me luck (on car buying and the baby-making!).


Posted 12:08 PM


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