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Guest post written by my buddy Aldo Mays

It’s been great getting away from the urban lifestyle I lived for years. I do not miss the traffic, smog and rushing around. I thought I would miss all of my favorite stores and shopping though. Now that I have wild blue internet, though, all of my favorite products are available with a click of a mouse! If I had realized it would be such a time saver to shop online, I would have started years ago. With gas prices as high as they are it’s a huge savings to shop for even the basic necessities with my computer. Plus, when I buy in bulk I can usually get a fair size discount. I love being able to hit so many different shops and stores without having to get in and out of the car and drive to different shopping centers. The only thing I don’t buy online these days is perishables. I can usually knock those out in one day with a trip to one store and a stop at the farmer’s market.

Posted 12:29 AM


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