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Electric car conversion is a new trend that automobile hobbyists are influencing so there are an increasing number of electric vehicles hitting the streets lately.

Some of the electric cars we are seeing on the street that come from an auto dealership are hybrid cars that run on electricity and gasoline combustion as well such as the Chevy Volt. However, there are some cars you will see that are gas models which have been converted to pure electric and so they blend in with the scenery unless you know what to look for. This is because you can convert any vehicle or truck into an electric vehicle provided you have enough battery power, and since you can create battery power from solar panels for a reasonable cost electric car conversion is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to buying a high priced hybrid from a dealership.

If you are interested in learning more about electric car conversion and how you can convert any car that you have into an electric vehicle there are many "EV conversion" guides and manuals available online and in store. One site with more information on the top electric car conversion guides is Electricity4Cars which can be found at They also have a blog and shop, plus more information on hyrbid electric cars, electric car conversion tips, and reviews on EV's plus more.

Posted 2:11 AM


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